David S. Chesley

San Bernardino Criminal Defense Lawyers

California’s Premier Criminal Defense and DUI Law Firm

San Bernardino Vandalism Defense Attorneys

Defending the rights of Californians who have been charged with vandalism-related crimes in San Bernardino

If you are being charged with vandalism, don’t assume that this is a small crime with a small fine to pay. In the state of California, vandalism and graffiti can result in jail time and hefty fines of up to $10,000 or more. California takes these crimes seriously, which means you need to align yourself with a team of experienced vandalism defense attorneys in San Bernardino right away.

Understanding California’s Vandalism and Graffiti Law

Under Penal Code 594, you are prohibited from defacing, damaging or destroying someone else’s property with graffiti or other written material. Many people assume that vandalism only applies to spray painting fences or sidewalks, but there are many situations where you can be found guilty of PC 594.

Let’s look at a few examples that our own San Bernardino vandalism defense lawyers have experienced.

  • You are fighting with your boyfriend and decide to egg his house at night. This can be charged as a vandalism crime.
  • You are mad at your girlfriend for cheating on you, so you key her car in a parking lot. This act of revenge can be considered vandalism.
  • You are walking down a city sidewalk and see wet cement. You etch your name into it. Though your intentions were not criminal, this is still considered vandalism.
  • You are tired of your neighbor’s trees hanging over your yard. You finally decide to march over to his yard and cut the trees down without his approval. This, too, can be considered vandalism.

Vandalism cases are not unheard of, even in the media. In 2014, Justin Bieber threw eggs at his neighbor’s house and was charged with misdemeanor vandalism. He was ordered to pay $80,000 in restitution. In 2018, an individual took a pickaxe to Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame and was charged with felony vandalism. His bail was set at $20,000.

What are the Penalties for a Vandalism Charge?

Vandalism may appear to be a small crime, but California law handles them seriously. Generally speaking, the charges usually depend on the cost of the damage done to the property. So, throwing eggs at a house may not incur much damage (except in Justin Bieber’s case), but keying a car can.

If the damage was worth more than $400, vandalism is charged as a wobbler crime. This means that you can be charged with a felony or misdemeanor depending on what the judge thinks is fair. The penalties may include a jail sentence of one years or three years and/or a fine of up to $10,000. If the damage was extensive, you could face an even greater fine.

If the damage was less than $400, your charge will be reduced to a misdemeanor. A misdemeanor is punishable by up to one year in county jail and/or up to a $1,000 fine.

What are the Legal Defenses for Vandalism?

If you have been charged with vandalism, do not take these charges lightly. Only the most aggressive San Bernardino vandalism defense attorneys can get your charges reduced or dismissed. The Law Offices of David S. Chesley are the ones for the job, and we will be happy to review your case and determine the best legal defense for your circumstances.

The most common legal defenses used in vandalism cases are:

  • You damaged someone else’s property on accident. If you accidentally vandalized someone else’s property, you cannot be charged under PC 594. To be charged with vandalism, you must have intentionally damaged the property.
  • You were falsely accused of vandalizing property. Vandalism is common in domestic abuse cases. If you were angry with your girlfriend and her car was keyed, she may assume that you were the one to do it. However, you could be completely innocent. It happens all of the time.
  • You were mistakenly identified. You could also be mistakenly identified as the culprit. This could happen if the person responsible for vandalizing the property looked a lot like you.

Our San Bernardino vandalism defense lawyers fight for reduced or dismissed charges. We will always choose the legal defense that makes the most sense and is most likely to be proven in court.

Other Common Offenses You May be Charged With

Vandalism cases are often connected to other crimes, and it is possible that you can be charged with them in addition to the vandalism. These include:

  • Trespassing (Penal Code 602).Trespassing onto someone’s property is usually charged as a misdemeanor. You are not allowed to be on someone’s property without permission or the right to do so.
  • Burglary (Penal Code 459). If you enter a residential or commercial property with the intent to commit a felony, you can be charged with burglary. You can still be charged, even if the intended felony never happened.
  • Arson (Penal Code 451). Starting fires is a serious crime in California because of the destruction they can create. If the fire was started recklessly, you may be guilty of Penal Code 452.
  • Criminal Street Gang Enhancement (Penal Code 186.22). California’s gang enhancement law makes it a crime to participate in a street gang and carry out felonies for the benefit of the gang.
  • Damaging Telephone or Electrical Wires (Penal Code 591). PC 591 makes it illegal to damage, obstruct, etc. wires, cables and other equipment. It is a wobbler crime that can be charged as a felony or misdemeanor.
  • Domestic Violence Laws. Vandalism is often connected to domestic abuse cases. One or more individuals are angry and may lash out by damaging property, cars and more.

Vandalism is a serious crime in California, so align yourself with the best vandalism defense lawyers in San Bernardino. Our attorneys will gather all of the facts from your case and determine the best legal defense. We are experienced, aggressive and tenacious, and we will help you get a favorable outcome from your criminal case.

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